Sunday, July 4, 2010

Now you can buy reading glasses frames for your prescription.

Did you know that your reading glasses can be fitted with your prescription lenses? I used to look longingly at fashion reading glasses and think why doesn’t my optometrist carry something like that? Well, actually, I wondered why they didn’t carry something in that to-die-for style that I could afford! Good news! You don’t need to pay the high prices offered in major eyeglass chains for your prescription. You can buy the reading glasses here and then take them to an optometrist and have your prescription put in your own stylin’ frame!

Everyone has “a friend,” ahem… who has blundered blindly (pun intended) into an optical shop to get some new glasses and walked out in a daze, $400 poorer and somewhat confused about how they were rushed through a million frames with designer labels that the enthusiastic tech promised would give them supermodel eyes and make all their wildest dreams come true or something like that and ended up signing over their first child to pay for this fashion miracle. Oh my! What if you could take your time and choose your own great style at a price that won’t mean that you have to live on hot dogs and pb&j for the rest of your life? You can!

You might ask yourself if you can really be so fashionably fortunate and get a good value. The truth is that most reading glasses, regardless of price, will provide quality wearability for many years if they are properly respected and cared for. Whether you’ve paid just a little or a lot for your frames, you still have to carefully clean your lenses regularly, store them in a protective case, tighten up loose temples and nose pad screws whenever necessary, and have them adjusted by your optometrist or technician if they become bent or out of shape. If you treat your less expensive frames like you love them, they will act just like the $300 pair you drooled over in the expensive shop window. Now, if you sit on them, drop them in the ocean, wear them into a mosh pit, or let your dog taste them, it won’t matter how much you paid for them—they’re history.

Seriously, don’t let yourself be fooled into spending $400 in an optical shop for something I can offer you for a fraction of the price. You will find most of their glasses made with the same materials, in the same place with the same wear and tear over time. Some technicians may tell you that the lenses cannot be changed, but they can quite easily! Some others may give you their favorite dirty look and concede that they will fit lenses to your frames “at your own risk.” Hey, times are tough and those shops may pull out their best intimidation tactics to make a sale, but now you know, you don’t have to pay the astronomical mark up! There are many great honest businesses out there that will carefully fit decent frames with your own prescription! We’ve heard a rumor that Walmart’s eye center will be glad to help…shhh, don’t tell. There are also online labs that can do the job for less!

Finally, when buying frames on-line getting a good fit is important. It’s a great idea to take your current favorite glasses and measure them from hinge to hinge to get an idea of the best size for you. You’ll also want to make sure your prescription lenses will fit your frames. If you have thick lenses, they won’t fit in all frames. If you have bifocals or trifocals, you’ll need to consider the size of the frames. Still concerned? Print out a picture of the frames you favor and have your optometrist check it out and give an opinion. Then you can confidently make your purchase!

I hope this guide has helped you “see” the light about getting fashionable frames at great value for your prescription lenses. Please e-mail me if you have questions.

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